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Framework is a system of rules, ideas, or beliefs that is used to plan or decide something. (Cambridge English Dictionary)

To achieve objectives, a robust framework is needed to ensure the public sector meets expectations. The framework will need to be underpinned by a strong governance model with clear lines of accountability and processes.

Frameworks of some form apply to all entities and individuals in the public sector. They can apply broadly across all agencies or may be focussed on a specific activity. Existing whole of government frameworks include: Individual agencies implement frameworks and supporting processes to help achieve their objectives and comply with the relevant agency and across government frameworks.

Audit Criteria

Existing frameworks are considered when developing the assessment criteria for performance management system audits, reviews and other tasks conducted by the Auditor-General under the Audit Act 1995. Examples of audit criteria are outlined below.

Please note the information provided does not constitute an audit program. No assurance is provided that self-assessment by an entity against the criteria will result in reliance being able to be placed by any user on the design, implementation or effectiveness of the entity's internal control/s.

Organisational Performance

Northern Territory Government (NTG) agencies are required to plan, review and report their organisational performance and accountability.

A performance management system audit assesses:

Procurement and Contract Management

The framework helps agencies focus on achieving accountable, transparent and unbiased procurement outcomes.

A performance management system audit assesses:

Project Development Framework

The NT Project Development Framework aims to ensure that government facilitated and funded projects are developed, evaluated and progressed through a consistent framework which enhances transparency and public accountability, and maximises outcomes and public benefit of government expenditure.

A performance management system audit assesses:

Program Evaluation

Robust program monitoring and evaluation aims to ensure agencies achieve the best outcomes within the allocated budget and helps build a contextualised evidence-base of effective policy delivery.

A performance management system audit assesses: